
Through all aspects of the College our young men’s talents are fostered and developed for the lifelong service to others.  

As well as daily teaching and reinforcement within our learning community our students are active in the wider community through a range of social justice and service projects that make a difference to the lives of others.  This is evident by our biennial run for Canteen, our Student Volunteer Organisation, World Challenge and our Year 10 community service days.

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Canteen Run for a Life

Our Canteen campaign is a school…

Service Group

Our SVO Group (Serving and Volunteering for Others) is open to students of all year levels.
Some of our past activities have been:
– a letter writing programme in support of the human rights of others;
– Fairtrade actions – our students raised the profile of Fairtrade around Christchurch
– responsibilities such as with Tearfund, local mission (such as the homeless), International awareness (such as Fairtrade matters), volunteers (promoting younger student involvement), and awareness of political and religious persecution

St Bede's College students in large dining hall dishing up food from bain maries