
“I want you to be the best version possible of the person God created you to be. "
Fr Cormac Hoban SM

Thank you for considering St Bede’s College for your son; we appreciate how important this choice is for their future, and are here to help provide you with all the information you need to make this decision together. Further information regarding preference criteria and our enrolment scheme can be found below.

The college continues to work with the Ministry of Education regarding potential changes to the enrolment scheme. We can confirm that enrolments for 2025 will take place under the existing enrolment scheme.


To submit an application for our 2025 enrolment, please apply online using the links below.

Day Boy Enrolment

Enrolments for 2025 close on Friday 26th July.

St Bede’s welcomes students attending as day only students under the Ministry of Education enrolment scheme.  We are intended primarily for Catholic boys from Years 9-13.

Boarding Enrolment​

Enrolments for 2025 Boarding have closed, however we are will accepting enquiries and applications for the waitlist.

Boarding at St Bede’s is a tradition that goes back to the 1920s. Our rich history and tradition provides an excellent foundation to embrace the challenges of the modern era and prepare our boys to be Catholic leaders wherever life takes them.

International Enrolment

St Bede’s College welcomes International Students and is proud of its longstanding tradition in hosting students from many nations for more than 20 years.

Overseas students make a valuable contribution to our college, adding to the richness and diversity of our own cultures, and enabling us all to gain a greater appreciation and understanding of a variety of other cultures.


Please ensure that you submit a Preference Card with your Application if you are applying as a “Preference” Pupil. Until receipt of this card all applications will be treated as non-preference.

St Bede’s College is intended primarily for Catholic boys from Years 9-13. In terms of the Integration Agreement signed between the College and the Crown, a certain percentage of the total roll must consist of “Preference” pupils. Normally, a “Preference” pupil will be a baptised Catholic. If you are in doubt as to whether your son qualifies as a “Preference” pupil please consult Amy Symington asymington@stbedes.school.nz.

A small percentage of the total roll may be “Non-Preference” pupils. Places are given to such pupils on the basis of availability. “Non-Preference” pupils are expected to take a full part in all aspects of College life and have the same opportunities and responsibilities as the “Preference” pupils.

The Criteria Promulgated by the New Zealand Catholic Bishops’ Conference, which are to be used by Proprietors and their Agents, in order to Grant Preference of Enrolment are:
5.1. The child has been baptised or is being prepared for baptism in the Catholic Church.

5.2. The child’s parents/guardians have already allowed one or more of its siblings to be baptised in the Catholic faith.

5.3. At least one parent/guardian is a Catholic, and although their child has not yet been baptised, the child’s participation in the life of the school could lead to the parents having the child baptised.

5.4. With the agreement of the child’s parent/guardian, a significant familial adult undertakes to support the child’s formation in the faith and practices of the Catholic Church. The significant familial adult is expected to be practising their faith in their own local parish. They may be a grandparent, aunt, or uncle who is actively involved in the child’s upbringing.

5.5. One or both of a child’s non-Catholic parents/guardians is preparing to become a Catholic.


Developing Young Catholic Leaders – We award four entrance scholarships after acceptance. These scholarships consider the whole person within the specified criteria, as outlined in the attached form. The scholarship process comprises of:

  • Submission of a written portfolio outlining your son’s achievements and interests
  • The completed scholarship form
  • Upon confirmation of enrolment, you will be sent further information around available scholarships

Further enquiries to Amy Symington asymington@stbedes.school.nz


Many of the costs associated with running the college are not paid by the Government. Some of our teachers, parts of our academic programme, our chaplaincy and special character programme, our wellbeing programme, our school psychologists and counsellors, and many of our facilities (like the swimming pool) are not funded. Instead, we rely on our parents to contribute to the cost of their son’s education.

Here is more detailed information on how these funds are used and how you can gift your tax credit.


Preference / Non-Preference Applicants

Preference Applicants are those who qualify for preference under the terms of the College’s Integration Agreement with the Crown and/or hold a Preference of Enrolment Certificate issued in accordance with the directions of the Catholic Bishops of New Zealand. Non Preference Applicants are those who do not qualify as a Preference Applicant.

Priority For Enrolment

  • First Priority Preference Applicants – Boarders
    • First priority will be given to Preference Applicants who wish to enrol in the Boarding School at the College.

  • Second Priority Preference Applicants – Day Students
    • Second Priority Preference Applicants – Day Students Second priority will be given to Preference Applicants for whom the College is reasonably convenient, namely those whose place of residence is in the Catholic Diocese of Christchurch and within an area where the applicant can attend the College as a day student. If the total number of applications in this category is less than the number of places available, then all applicants will be enrolled. If there are more applications than available places, then applicants will be enrolled according to the following order of priorities:
      • 1 Those who are brothers of current students;
      • 2 Those who are brothers of former students;
      • 3 Those who are sons of present members of the St Bede’s College Board of Trustees or Board of Proprietors;
      • 4 Those who are direct family members of former students;
      • 5 Those who are sons of College staff employed on a permanent basis by the College’s Board of Trustees or Board of Proprietors at the time of application;
      • 6 Those other Applicants who do not qualify pursuant to clauses 2.1-2.5 inclusive. If at any level of this classification there are more applicants than available places, then those applicants for whom the College is the closest Catholic secondary school measured in a straight line from the applicant’s principal residence to the main vehicle entrance of the College, will be enrolled until all of the available places have been filled

    • Third Priority Non-Preference Applicants
      • Non-Preference Applicants will only be enrolled if enrolment places remain after all Preference Applicants have been enrolled and the College’s Board of Trustees judges that enrolment of the NonPreference Applicants will not compromise its ability to offer places to Preference Applicants who may apply for enrolment at a later date. The number of places available for Non-Preference Applicants will be governed by the maximum number allowable from time to time under the College’s Integration Agreement.Priority of any such Non-Preference Applications will be given in accordance with the criteria detailed in the second priority.

    • Waiting List
      • If the total number of applications is greater than the number of places available, unsuccessful applicants will have their names recorded on a waiting list and shall be ranked in accordance with the criteria detailed in the second priority. Preference Applicants shall have priority above Non-Preference Applicants. Those applicants on the waiting list may be offered places at a later date if places become available. The waiting list will remain current for one year only, until the College’s Board of Trustees next notifies the public that it is inviting applications for the next enrolment intake.